June 8, 2011

Inclusive - Green - Dynamic

Notes from our brainstorm session on the main goals of the workshop:

Inclusive projects
·         Public access and spaces along the riverfront – reclaiming the quays
·         Local gardens and neighbourhood.
·         Programmed meeting places across generations and cultures –
·         Common cultural meeting places.

Inclusive physical planning
·         Connections for bikes and pedestrians across the river - Establishing physical connections
·         Enable family dwellings in the city - Developing a mixed city with mixed dwellings
Inclusive activities and processes
·         Enhanced local ownership – by connecting schools, companies etc.
·         Sustaiunability projects as including activities
·         Engaging citizens in the city and the river

What caracterises the inclusive project
·         Temporary design
·         Multifunctional areas with different purposes and uses - New projects should include mixed users, inhabitants, owners etc.
·         Space for children
·         No tabula rasa – respect history and existing qualities 
Multifunctional green urban spaces
·         Local green microclimate
·         Green urban spaces with recreational qualities
·         Green infrastructure for pedestrians and bicycles and biodiversity
·         Let the nature take over where we do not use the city
·         Local farming
·         Green is blue in Gothenburg - Using the river as recreational quality

Green transportation
·         Public transport and bikes – super-tramps, metro under the river
·         Easier, safer and healthier to bike

Climate city
·         Climate adaption partly by natural coastal dynamic 
·         CO2-neutral city
·         Renovating and developing the CO2-neutral city
·         Liquid city – water and ethanol
·         Analyzing stakeholders in sustainable development
·         Exporting clean-tech with green tankers 

Dynamic process and planning
·         Triple Helix development
·         Flexibility in local planning
·         Multilevel planning – different functions and timescale in planning – always space for small businesses
·         Start small and learn while you do it
·         Balance between the fixed and the flexible
·         Enhanced local ownership
·         Enable family dwellings in the city

Dynamic timescale
·         Starting tomorrow
·         Temporary design

Dynamic projects
·         Multifunctional areas with different purposes and uses 
·         Kick starting the city economy by renovating and developing the CO2-neutral city – low energy, sustainable transportation, clean tech – financing by ESCO
·         Foster the embryons – cheep locations, young entrepreneurs – fab-lab, business incubators – triple helix
·         diversity as business strategy
·         Daring to think small
·         New ownerships for new entrepreneurs
·         Enhanced local ownership

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